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Tumbly Hill Community Hub Support Survey

Following Devon County Council’s recent closure of Tumbly Hill Day Centre, Next Steps Together, Livewell Southwest and South Hams Community Action have been working with local stakeholders and interested partners to develop the Tumbly Hill facility into a Community Wellbeing Hub for Kingsbridge and surrounding areas. As a valued community member and stakeholder, please would you complete our survey (link provided below) and consider writing a separate letter of support for our Tumbly Hill Community Hub project?

Outline of the Tumbly Hill Proposal 

Our objective is to secure Tumbly Hill as a community asset for Kingsbridge. We aim to take over the facility from Devon County Council and strengthen the overall provision of practical, emotional, and social support for people of all ages living in and around the town. We will focus on reducing social isolation and loneliness, and providing vital support for families living with dementia, and young people with learning and thinking differences. We want to work with local stakeholders and the community to develop the future of Tumbly Hill in a way which not only meets the needs of the local community, but importantly helps to strengthen the community ecosystem in the area, without disrupting, duplicating, or displacing existing initiatives or arrangements. 

Our Steering Group’s aims are to: 
a) secure the space for community groups who already provide services or run activities at Tumbly Hill. 
b) develop a Dementia Meeting Centre running 2-3 times a week to support people living with dementia and their caregivers. 
c) introduce drop-in family services for children and young people. ~
d) support neurodiversity (Autism, ADHD and dyslexia etc.), and e) make Tumbly Hill available for use by other service providers, community groups, and local residents

Letter of Support 

In addition to completing our survey, do you also have time to write a separate letter of support? 
Personal letters from organisations and individual members of the public will bolster our funding bid, as they further demonstrate community need and local backing for our project. 
Please email your letter to our project mailbox, stating your name and organisation or community group so that we can evidence letters of support as genuine stakeholder responses. 
Better still, use headed paper with your organisation's name and address. 
Our project mailbox is: 

Visit Tumbly Hill 

If you would like to visit Tumbly Hill and see its potential as a community asset for Kingsbridge, please get in touch. A Steering Group member will be more than happy to show you around and outline our plans for the new Community Hub. 

Community Engagement Workshops and Fundraising 

Over the coming months, we will be arranging further Community Engagement workshops, creating social media pages and a YouTube channel, and organising a Crowdfunder appeal to raise match-funding in support of our National Lottery and Community Ownership Fund bids. 

If you would like us to keep you updated on these initiatives, or if you would like to join our mailing list so we can keep you informed of our progress, please email us at: We would also love to hear from you if you have any further ideas for activities at Tumbly Hill or would like to become involved in our community project.

Please complete the following brief survey and consider emailing a separate letter of support to our project mailbox: 

Thank you for your support.

South Hams Community Action are members of

  • National Council for Voluntary Organisations
  • Devon Voluntary Action
  • Disability Confident