What is the Quality Assurance Mark?
The aim of the QA Mark is to contribute to the health and well-being of our communities by providing the option of a quality assurance scheme to boost confidence and build trust with the statutory sector, particularly around the areas of service quality, data management, confidentiality, and training and support for volunteers. The scheme is also designed to highlight the range of quality VCSE services available that support prevention for the most vulnerable.
It is not an NHS standard, nor a requirement for any group. This is an opportunity for many small organisations, who make up most of the sector, to engage in the process and be part of the solution to improve health and well-being outcomes for our clients, customers and communities.
Support, guidance and resources will be provided by South Hams Community Action, in our role to strengthen the capacity and resilience of the sector to respond to the needs of our communities and national and regional policies outcomes.
The QA Mark has been developed with funding support from Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust and is available at no additional cost to members of South Hams Community Action.