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Campaign for Disability Justice

New campaign to launch for step change in disability justice

We all want a decent quality of life for ourselves and those we care about. Yet two million Disabled people are trapped in deep poverty. 

Disabled people become trapped in poverty because they’re unable to work or to find an accessible job. Social security doesn’t cover the hidden or additional costs of disability – things like electricity to run vital equipment and transport to get out of your home. And too many workplaces are unwilling to employ Disabled people. 

That’s why South Hams Community Action is backing the national Campaign for Disability Justice. 

Led by a grassroots Deaf and Disabled Peoples Organisation (DDPO), Inclusion Barnet, the national campaign calls on Government to work with Disabled led organisations to guarantee: Opportunity to work, financial Security and Respect, for all Disabled people, whether in work or not. 

Help spread the word ad encourage people to ACT NOW and sign up to support the campaign.  





South Hams Community Action are members of

  • National Council for Voluntary Organisations
  • Devon Voluntary Action
  • Disability Confident